Samuel F. Getty D.C  Shoulder Girdle  Self Help Pages

Caution: Performance of exercises should be monitored by a licensed health care provider.

Note:The Shoulder girdle is a very complex area and is intimately related to pain in the shoulder, midback, neck, and upper arm.

Four factors greatly influence the shoulder girdle:           

1) Posture

2) Shoulder movement patterns

3) Stress and muscle tension

4) Breathing pattern



The following animation reviews plumb alignment of the shoulder and common postures that can create shoulder pain.

Shoulder Posture

Shoulder Movement Patterns

This animation reviews muscles of the shoulder girdle and how the shoulder blade moves when different muscles are contracted or held tense.

Shoulder Girdle Muscles

The following animation reviews incorrect movement of the shoulder girdle.

Shoulder Movement Patterns


Stress and Tension

This animation reviews "flight or fight" response and how muscle tension and breathing is affected by "flight or fight" and opposing "rest/digest" response.

Stress and Tension



Reviewed in this animation are correct and incorrect breathing patterns.                   Breathing exercises are reviewed.

Breathing Patterns



Shoulder Girdle Stretches

Two low tech stretches are presented in this animation. These stretches are designed to stretch and relax commonly tight muscles in the upper shoulder girdle.

Shoulder Girdle Stretches


Individual Handouts These are photos that take a while to down load,controls to enlarge view will appear if you rest the cursor over the image

Belly Breathing supine.jpg

Bruggers and Breathing and Breathing.jpg

 Bruggers and Serratus plus and serratus plus a.jpg